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Michigan Insurance Blog

Spring Refresher

We’re finally starting to see some sun in the state of Michigan, thank goodness! Everyone is getting more excited and more proactive as the weather warms up. We’ve got a big holiday weekend coming up here that’s going to be the start of Michigan’s outdoor season! This is when we break out our tents, RV’s, and recreational vehicles for the summer months.

Along with this means it’s time to update your insurance policies. You need to make sure you have the correct vehicles on the road and the correct vehicles in storage. You have to have all of your recreational products insured to verify that they’re safe to be driving on the trails. If you have a pool or trampoline, make sure you’re covered for those on your home insurance and ask your agent about an umbrella policy to guarantee that you’re covered for everything.

Remember, this weekend is going to be a fun time with friends and family. Safety is the key to a good three-day weekend. Always keep the nearest hospital in mind when settling down in an unfamiliar area. Make sure to review fire, boating, and camping safety tips prior to engaging in the activities.

Have a great weekend everyone, and drive safely on the busy roads!

Surviving the Winter of 2019

Last Week Michigan got hit with some of the coldest temperatures and LOADS of snow and ice. Everyone was stuck inside with a lot more down time than we had planned, and you should stay inside to be safe! Most of us were somewhat unproductive during that time, posting on Facebook, eating, watching movies, etc.… but we have a couple of things that you can do during a Polar Vortex to help you get ahead! You may even be looking forward to the next polar vortex!

Update your schedules: I’m sure we all have plenty of times that we’ve “made plans” with someone and then not followed through. Now is the time to sit down and analyze your calendar. You want to be spending time with friends and family so schedule them in! Make your doctor/dentist appointments too while you’re at it! We can always stand to get our eyes checked or our teeth cleaned.

Clean: You have an entire home to clean and all of the supplies with you! Get to work! You’ll function better with a clean home and you don’t have much else to do when stuck inside.

Restock your home: I do this about every other week. It keeps me relaxed so that I’m not running out of random things. I just go through and make sure that I have all of the basics (toothpaste, deodorant, plastic bags, etc) and then I double check that I have a spare of everything.

Family time: What a great time to have some family fun! Break into the game cupboard or bake desserts together! This is the perfect time to take advantage of the bad weather and use it to build stronger bonds with family.

New recipes: I’m sure we all have a couple of fun things saved that we’ve been waiting to make! If you have extra time then you can make one of those recipes that takes longer than usual and master something new!

Call your insurance agent: It’s always good to review your coverages and make sure you’re completely up to date. Especially with this crazy Michigan weather, make sure your vehicles and home are covered properly!

Pay your bills: We all dread doing this task but if you get this done on a cold day in then you’ll feel accomplished and prepped for the rest of the week!

Do your taxes: It’s that season! We’re all working so hard and yet we HAVE to make time to do this. Sooner is better than later and once it’s done you’ll instantly lose the stress that this puts on you. It’s best to get it done now instead of putting it off until the last minute!

Make a budget: This is a great way to get organized and get productive! Everyone should have a budget so if you don’t have one then now is the time to make it! If you already have one, then you should update this every year and tax season is the perfect time to get it done!

Online shopping: We all do this with our spare time already, there’s no shame in online shopping when it’s too cold to go out. Find those things that you’ve been wanting and have them delivered! We all love this activity and it’s easy to lose track of time while filling up your cart.


4 Different Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, the holiday that most people either love or loathe. There’s not much in between. People go nuts over this holiday, buying flowers, balloons, chocolate etc. to shower your significant other with attention and romance. Meanwhile, others hate all of the lovey dovey stuff and prefer to celebrate February 15th when all of the chocolate is 50% off in the stores. There are many different ways to celebrate this time of year and we have 4 of them right here for you! Now is the time to start preparing for it!

  1. A Romantic evening out with your significant other. Get dressed up, go out, and have fun celebrating your relationship! This is the time to really show off and be proud of what you have with them! This is usually the most common thing to do on Valentine’s Day and it’s still always one of the best.
  2. Stay in and spend some quality time with your significant other. Some people look down on this choice but it’s a nice change and it’s also very relaxing and fun! You just want to spend time alone and relax together, there are a lot of date nights that you can have in the comfort of your own home and you won’t have to worry about being around anyone else! This is pretty common for the introverts or those who are just tired of going out and want a change of pace.
  3. Celebrate it as more of a friendship, family day like they do in many foreign countries. Not as common of a choice but in many other countries, they celebrate Valentine’s Day as less romantic and more “I love you as friend and family” type of a holiday. This is a wonderful way to spend that holiday because there are many people in your life that you love and often don’t show enough appreciation to. This is the time to get that done!
  4. Have an Anti-Valentine’s day party! Get out your black heart shaped balloons and black streamers, it’s time to celebrate Anti-Valentine’s day! An up and coming idea for those who may be a little salty about the holiday, this involves a lot of celebrating of independence and freedom. It’s often used for singles to celebrate with their friends and have a good time on the holiday even when they don’t have the cliché date night with a loved one.

If your significant other is moving in or if you’re getting engaged then there are some potential changes to your insurance in the future! While all of these exciting things are happening, make sure you call your insurance agent to verify that you’re covered properly!

We want to know how your Valentine’s Day goes so please let us know!

Christmas Gift Guide


The holidays are here! We’ve just recovered from the black Friday chaos and it’s time to get down to business for Christmas. Half of the population already have all of their Christmas gifts bought and wrapped, the other half hasn’t even started shopping yet. For the half of us that haven’t started shopping, we’ve put together a couple gift ideas for you! Shopping last minute isn’t a bad idea as long as you know what you want and you’re patient with long lines.  It can definitely be difficult if you don’t know what you want though. We want to make this as painless as possible so we can all take some time and savor the Christmas Spirit!

Clothing or accessories: This is an easy one, just find something that they’ve looked at 2-3 times and get it for them! If it’s ever been in their amazon cart then they want it.

Spa day: This one is probably more for the ladies but men shouldn’t count this out! A spa day is relaxing and essential for everyone!

Movies/books: These are gifts that can be used forever! A good movie can also be family time or a double date. A good book encourages creativity and exercises your imagination.

Cups (coffee mugs, glasses, travel mugs): We all carry our coffee, tea, and water with us everywhere we go. You can buy them a nice cup that fits their personality or make it themed after their favorite character!

Décor: A cute sign or painting for the house is never a bad idea! Get their favorite quote or bible verse to hang in their room or for their desk at work! It’d be a daily reminder!

Fuzzy socks: Good for ALL ages! Who doesn’t love some soft fuzzy socks to keep our feet warm during the cold weather?! Get them holiday themed or just as fuzzy as they get!

Soft blanket: Same as fuzzy socks. Good for all ages and sizes. Soft blankets are the backbone of winter weather. It doesn’t matter how many of these they already have, another soft blanket is never a bad thing!

Technology upgrade: This is unspecific on purpose because there’s so many opportunities! New phone, new charger, phone cases, amazon echo or google home, computer, tablet, accessories, etc. There’s no limit here!

Fun T shirt: These are a classic. Something funny and personal is always good, plus, we all wear t shirts so this won’t go unused!

Sports supplies: A good way to stay active and spend time together! Pick a sport or activity that they love and get them something fun for it! Whether it’s new active wear or an accessory specific to that sport, all of them are cool! A nice side gift for this would be a water bottle to go with, hydration is important!


Let us know if this was helpful for you during the holidays! What’s your favorite gift that you’ve ever received? We want to know!

Stressed about the upcoming Weekend?

Thanksgiving Desserts

Stressing about this Exciting Weekend?

This is what we’ve been waiting for since November 1st! Its Thanksgiving weekend and we’re ready to be filled to the brim in thanksgiving foods! Every year we eat until we can’t eat anymore and then we burn off the calories by shopping until we drop. It’s a wonderful time to be alive!

We’re overly blessed, here in America, and it’s important to take a moment and be thankful for everything we have. We’re the “busiest” country and we need to make sure that we take a step back this holiday season, and get a look at the wider perspective. Black Friday and Small Business Saturday can sometimes make us feel less thankful for what we already have so we’re going to all need to work on having gratitude during this time. First, we’ll stuff our faces with tasty food and desserts! Second, we’ll take a nap after all the turkey. Third, we’ll go shopping at the most insane hours of the day in order to ensure that we get the best presents for the best price possible.

We wanted to put something together to help everyone with this extremely busy weekend so we’ve included one of our FAVORITE recipes! This is our pumpkin roll recipe from and we LOVE it! If you make this then please let us know how it turns out!


Pumpkin Roll:

3 eggs, beaten

1 c white sugar

½ tsp ground cinnamon

2/3 c pumpkin puree

¾ c all-purpose flour

1 tsp baking soda

2 Tbsp butter, softened

8 oz cream cheese

1 c confectioners’ sugar

¼ tsp vanilla extract

Confectioners’ sugar for dusting


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Butter or grease one 10×15 inch jelly roll pan.
  2. In a bowl, mix together the eggs, sugar, cinnamon, and pumpkin. In another bowl, mix together flour and baking soda. Add to pumpkin mixture and blend until smooth. Evenly spread the mixture over the prepared jelly roll pan.
  3. Bake 15 to 25 minutes in the preheated oven. Remove from oven and allow to cool enough to handle.
  4. Remove cake from pan and place on tea towel (cotton, not terry cloth). Roll up the cake by rolling a towel inside cake and place seam side down to cool.
  5. Prepare the frosting by blending together the butter, cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar, and vanilla.
  6. When cake is completely cooled, unroll and spread with cream cheese filling. Roll up again without towel. Wrap with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve. Sprinkle top with confectioners’ sugar and slice into 8-10 servings.


Let us know how these pumpkin rolls turn out! Now, after we all feast, we’ll be out at the darkest hours shopping like our lives depend on it! You’re your caffeine and hang on tight. We’ve put together a brief list of black Friday dos and don’ts. Let us know how these work out for you!


  • Be polite to other shoppers and ESPECIALLY to all employees. They probably are just as frustrated as you are, if not more. One good, friendly face may change their entire weekend!
  • Have a plan and a route for what you need and where you can get it. You want to be efficient and quick with this so that you can get home, eat Thanksgiving leftovers, and get to bed!
  • Go with a group of people and keep your phones on you at all times! If you go with a group of 6-8 people, you can split off into pairs to create maximum efficiency.
  • Try to get all of your Christmas shopping done before December 1st so that you can relax and enjoy the holiday without the stress of shopping. Try to get everything wrapped too! That’ll save time and space, they can go directly under the tree instead of hidden in a closet!
  • Make sure to have coffee and nutrition so that you are health and fueled for a night of hard core shopping!


  • Think that your wants/needs are more important than other shoppers. We’re all trying to get our shopping lists completed and spend the smallest amount of money possible. We’re all in the same boat.
  • Be rude to employees, they’re trying their best to service a huge amount of people. This is the craziest shopping day in America and they probably have a lot more immediate problems than you do.
  • Don’t go alone. It’s a crazy day with all the hustle and bustle and then the lack of sleep on top of that, it’s best to go as a group.
  • Don’t go in without a plan! You’ll end up purchasing unnecessary items and losing more money than you save.
  • Put your shopping needs above eating/drinking/sleep needs. You need to be healthy to be happy so let’s make sure we’re hitting every area here.

So have a blast with your family and friends this holiday season! Tell us your thoughts on the pumpkin rolls and share your crazy Black Friday stories with us! Make sure your home is insured prior to having guests over and before the cold weather hits! Plus, with all the snow and ice that we got last week you’ll want to make sure your auto is covered appropriately too.

Make sure you give us a call with all insurance related questions: 616-897-1515!

Do Vampires Need Insurance

Dogs as Ghosts Many people walk around under the illusion that they don’t need insurance. Unfortunately, this illusion is a dangerous mirage that can create a perilous financial future for those who buy into it. In order to show you just how necessary insurance is for every individual, let’s talk about vampires.

Why Vampires?

Okay, so vampires don’t seem very relevant, but consider this: according to modern mythology, not only do vampires sparkle in the sun but they are also immortal, may be able to read minds, can have super strength and speed, and are generally less vulnerable than humans—as long as the sun isn’t out. So if there’s anyone who doesn’t need insurance, surely a vampire would fit the bill, right? Wrong.

Vampire Insurance

  1. Vampires need life insurance. Why in the world would the immortal need a life insurance policy, you ask? Well, even the eternally undead are not impervious to fire, wooden stakes, silver bullets and the errant ray of sunlight. With a life insurance policy, a vampire can easily leave a suitable legacy while also providing the means for a fitting funeral.
  2. Vampires need business insurance. With thousands of years of life stretching before them, vampires must have a perpetual means for generating an income. Their independent spirit would likely create an entrepreneurial streak leading to the creation of their own businesses. Business insurance could help a vampire protect his business against liabilities, cyber theft, content damage and more.
  3. Vampires need home insurance. If a man’s home is his castle, then a vampire’s home is … well … really his castle because, as everyone knows, vampires would totally live in castles. But these castles wouldn’t be empty or filled with cheap furniture. Instead they would be filled with valuable antiques the vampire had collected over her several lifetimes. And, in the bedroom, an expensive casket for spending daylight hours away from the sun. In the event of a fire, theft, hurricane, or other covered peril, said vampire would rely on a home insurance policy to replace the value of her property and rebuild her palace.
  4. Vampires need auto insurance. What kind of car would a vampire drive? Well, one with a sense of irony might decide to travel around in a hearse. Others might prefer a car of regal bearing that complements their strength and power. Whatever car a vampire chooses, late night driving and searching for a midnight snack of jugular could someday result in an accident, theft or vandalism, not to mention the potential of an act of nature to bring destruction. Not only can an auto insurance policy protect a vampire against losses from damage done to his car, but it can also pay bodily injury and property damage liability costs.

The living dead might exist only in the hearts and minds of readers and moviegoers, but the risks that they would be exposed to are real and are faced by mere mortals every day. To get the policies that even a vampire would need, and maybe some they wouldn’t, give us a call today! 616-897-1515

10 Trick or Treat Safety Tips

Halloween Candy CornThere’s no doubt your little ones are beginning to get excited about Halloween. You can’t blame them – it’s the yearly chance to go splurge on free candy. Plus who wouldn’t be counting down the days to dressing up as a superhero, princess, or firefighter?

To make sure your family has the best Halloween this year, here are 10 safety tips:

1. Never trick-or-treat alone. Always make sure you are either with your kids or they are in a group of friends you trust.

2. Plan your route beforehand. If you aren’t accompanying your kids, plan out where they’re going to go with their friends. Tell them what neighborhoods are good, which they aren’t allowed to go to, and what’s too far from home.

3. Have a flashlight. You want to be able to see that candy right? It’ll also make your trick-or-treaters more aware to other children and drivers on the roads.

4. Wear comfy shoes. Sure, Spider-Man might not rock sneakers with his outfit but you’re going to want your children to be comfortable for the long walk that night. If your child insists on those sparkly princess shoes, consider bringing some more practical back-up shoes for when reality (or blisters) set in.

Halloween Costume

5. Never accept rides from strangers or go inside strangers’ houses.

6. Only visit well-lit houses. If a house doesn’t have its porch light on or any other indicators that they’re open for candy, it’s best to skip that house and move on.

7. Don’t eat any candy that isn’t properly wrapped. A tummy ache will crush your child’s candy-eating dreams.

8. Don’t run! Those costumes aren’t built for sprinters, so tell your kids to not be in such a hurry and avoid tripping over theirs or others’ costumes. Be especially aware of this when capes or long robes are involved!

9. Stay on sidewalks as much as possible. Don’t wander into the street and stick as close to houses as possible.

10. Make sure your child can properly see and move comfortably. It’s fun to put on the cape and cowl of your favorite hero, but make sure they can see and enjoy the night properly and avoid getting hurt.

What rules do you have for keeping your Halloween safe? Share in the comments!


3 Scary Halloween Insurance Claims

Let’s look at some of the most common tricks that are pulled on policyholders over the holiday and ways you can safeguard your car and home this Halloween.

Dog Bites on Halloween

1. My dog bit a trick-or-treater! Halloween creates heavy traffic to your home and can be downright spooky for dogs.  A scared dog is on higher alert than normal, and this could result in your furry friend taking a bite out of one of your costumed visitors.

It’s best for you, and your pet, to have them put away from the door when you know traffic will be high – such as Halloween night. They should be fine in a back room, away from the front door. If possible put some of their favorite toys and a treat back with them so they know they are not in trouble. We also recommend turning on the TV or a radio in the room your dog is in to help muffle the doorbell or noise and giggles of trick-or-treaters at the front door, which may stress them out.

Remember not to take this risk lightly. There were over 16,000 dog bite claims last year, making up more than one-third of all liability claims paid out homeowners insurance companies, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III). They totaled almost $479 million, averaging nearly $29,400 paid out per claim. Every state has different rules about dog bites, homeowners policies typically cover the liability and medical expenses related to a dog bite, unless your dog or his breed is excluded from your policy.

2. Does my homeowners policy cover TP in the trees? Toilet paper typically doesn’t damage trees, most of the time it’s just paper blowing through the branches, so a claim isn’t necessary. For the most part, toilet paper is merely an annoyance that must be cleaned up in the morning.

However, there have been instances when a tree has been damaged during an act of vandalism.  If this happens, your homeowners policies may cover this – check with your agent to be sure.  If your tree does have damage from vandalism, avoid cutting down limbs or hauling away any debris until a claims adjuster is able to come out to take a look at the damage to the tree or your home.Halloween

3. My car was egged, am I covered? Vandalism is most likely covered by your car insurance policy if you have comprehensive coverage.  Whether or not you should file a claim depends on the amount of damage versus the amount of your deductible. You may be able to remove egg with a simple car wash – though more extensive damage may occur depending on the severity of the vandalism.

In the last few years, we’ve seen claims increase for damage caused by paintballs, water balloons filled with paint or other liquids, and broken windshields with pumpkins thrown through them. If you see severe damage, dents, or your paint eaten away, then a claim may be justifiable.

Your best bet to protect your vehicle is to park your car in the garage or another well-lit, covered area. If you do not have this option, even simply buying a tarp to cover your car can detour vandals.

The good news is that most neighborhoods are prepared for Halloween, and you and your neighbors can look out for each other and the rest of your neighbors. By working together, and helping others be vigilant about safeguarding your street from pranksters, your street will be unattractive to teens ready to egg cars or toilet-paper trees.

What other tips do you have for preventing pranks during Halloween? Share them with us on our Facebook page or Twitter.

Consumer Fireworks Safety Guidelines

Firework SafetyAs we approach Independence Day, the country is gearing up for one of its biggest summer celebrations. While many of us will be content with attending community displays, many people prefer the excitement of holding their own personal fireworks display. These can range from simple sparklers to huge displays from more serious enthusiasts. But whether big or small, putting on your own show always entails an element of danger. It’s critical to understand the risks, follow all safety guidelines and have safety procedures in place before lighting the first match. This will ensure that your family and friends will enjoy a safe and exciting celebration.

Another thing to note before organizing a fireworks event is that you should ensure that you have the proper official approval in place and any required documentation or permits. Michigan has laws governing the purchase and use of fireworks, including the Michigan Fireworks Safety Act, so be sure to do your homework first and stay in compliance with state and local laws. Also, before holding your fireworks display, check with your local fire department for any fire regulations that you will need to follow.

Purchasing Fireworks

Purchase fireworks from an authorized dealer and check that the fireworks you purchase are allowed to be sold in your area. There are three categories of firework explosives. Class A are common fireworks or consumer fireworks. Class B and C are special fireworks meant for fireworks display professionals only.

There are many precautions that you need to abide by for the safety of everyone. Before holding your fireworks display, ensure you have proper insurance coverage. If there are injuries and you are under-insured, the results could be devastating. Here are some guidelines:

  • Fireworks should be locked up and stored in a cool dry place, away from children.
  • Fireworks and alcohol do not mix. Don’t drink while setting them off.
  • Read and follow the directions on the fireworks carefully.
  • The display site should be clear and at least 100 feet by 100 feet. Verify that there are no trees, buildings or hydro lines on the site.Safety on 4th of July
  • Never hold fireworks in your hands when lighting them. 
  • Do not fire under windy conditions.
  • Always have water nearby, either in pails or a hose connected to a water supply.
  • A metal bucket filled with sand makes a good platform for lighting fireworks.
  • Fireworks should be buried half their length in the bucket of sand unless the directions say otherwise. 
  • Angle the fireworks 10 degrees away from the audience and make sure the people are upwind from the display.
  • Do not wear loose fitting clothing, including scarves or anything that may dangle into the fireworks.
  • Children need to be monitored and supervised at all times during the fireworks display.
  • Light one firework at a time and never experiment.
  • When finished, soak them in water before disposing in a trash can.
  • If any of the fireworks do not light, don’t try to fix them. Leave them for at least 30 minutes before soaking in a bucket of water.
  • Wear eye protection when lighting the fireworks.
  • In the unlikely event that someone gets burned, soak them with cold water and seek medical attention.

Remember, having an exciting 4th of July doesn’t have to mean sacrificing safety! A safe celebration is also a fun one.

If you want to be sure you’re covered before you host a party with fireworks, please give us a call at 616-897-1515. And for more tips like these, subscribe to our newsletter!

Fourth of July Safety Tips

4th of JulyHappy Independence Day! The Fourth of July is a time for enjoying freedom, family, and (of course) fireworks! Your weekend might include grilling, swimming, boating, and a light show at the end of the day. But while all of the activities are summer favorites, each one has its unique safety hazards, especially when combined with drinking and blowing things up!

But keeping safety in mind doesn’t have to equal a damper on your celebration. You can keep your home and your family safe this Fourth of July by considering a few tips for smart celebration.

  • Keep a bucket of water nearby. Whether you’re setting off fireworks or grilling burgers, sparks can land on nearby foliage and flammable items and quickly start a fire. Make sure you can easily douse any unwanted flames and dud fireworks. For even better protection, keep hose nearby as well.
  • Wear eye protection when lighting fireworks and never trying to fix or relight a dud. According to the Red Cross, fireworks are behind almost 9,000 emergency room visits each year. Just a few simple precautions can keep you from becoming part of this statistic!
  • Keep fireworks and grills away from dry grass and overhanging foliage. Trim any bushes around your grilling area and create a safe, non-flammable area for firework lighting.
  • Read the instructions that came with your grill for the safest grilling experience, Be aware of flammable objects, such as house eaves and railings, and keep the grill at a safe distance. Lastly do not add starter fluid after coals are ignited; nobody likes to end the holiday weekend without eyebrows!Firework Safety
  • If you plan to celebrate all or part of your Fourth of July holiday on a boat, make sure everyone on board wears a life jacket. The US Coast Guard noted in its report, 2011 Recreational Boating Statistics, that at least 79 percent of the drownings in 2011 were experienced by individuals not wearing a life jacket.
  • If camping is part of your weekend plans, keep your campfire at least 15 feet from tents, trees and shrubs, and make sure there are no low-hanging branches over the fire.
  • When putting out a campfire, douse all embers with water and continue pouring until doing so no longer causes a hissing noise. Then, use a shovel to move through the ashes and ensure that everything is wet and cold.
  • If your festivities include a swimming pool or a day at the lake, make sure children are always supervised by a sober adult with both swimming and CPR skills.
  • Having a fun 4th doesn’t have to mean sacrificing safety. For more tips on having a safe holiday or to understand how your insurance policies can be affected by your Fourth of July activities, give us a call.

To keep up with more articles like this, join our newsletter today!

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