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Trick-or-Treat Tips

Happy Halloween!

It’s getting spooky!

Today is the scariest time of the year! All sorts of monsters, witches, and other miscellaneous creatures will be coming to our doors and asking for treats. We all need to makeJack O Lantern sure we’re being safe and keeping an eye out for mischievous behavior. For everyone’s safety, we’ve included a list of 13 safety tips for the big night!

1.       Flame resistant costumes. There will be an awful lot of candles and fire tonight so make sure that it’s not even a possibility for your child’s costume to catch on fire.

2.       Plan a route. You’ll want to have an exact idea of where you’re going and which neighborhoods you’ll be in. Although some streets may look tempting, they may not be the safest place for you to take your child up to stranger’s doors.

3.       Have an adult per 3 children. You might think you can handle all of those kiddos on your own, but once they see candy being given out, or their favorite movie character costume, they’ll be out of control and you’ll be wishing for a helper. It’s best to use caution and keep a good ratio of adults to kids. 

4.       Be sure to be looking both ways while crossing streets. There are plenty of distracted drivers and distracted walkers/runners and none of us want an accident. Be wise and use your eyes. 

5.       Keep electronic devices put away to be more alert. You’ll need to know where you’re walking and who’s around you in order to stay as safe as possible. 

6.       Always walk on sidewalks (only sidewalks) to make sure you’re not on private property or getting lost. Plus, you never know what might be in someone’s yard! Stay smart and use what the cities gave us. Sidewalks are a perfect way to ensure that you know where you’re going. 

7.       Stay in well-lit areas. Although this time of year is for scary things and pranks, some people might not be pranking, they might be serious. If this is the case, you’ll want to stay in well lit areas to avoid those people. 

8.       Feed your children a big nutritious meal prior to trick-or-treating! This will keep their bellies full and make it less likely that they’ll try to eat all of their candy that night. It’s important to spread out the candy throughout the next couple days or weeks. If they eat too much sugar within a small period of time, they’ll get stomach aches and potentially be sick. They’ll also be outside in the cold weather and candy shuts down the immune system, making it easy for them to catch a cold or the flu.  

9.       Use face paint instead of a mask to help the child have better vision. The ability for them to have clear views of their surroundings is important while wandering the streets at night. They’ll also need the ability to know without a doubt that no cars are coming while they cross the street.

10.   Have a flash light or glow stick. Wear bright colors and/or reflective material on costumes. Making your children (or yourself) visible is the safest way to be out in the dark. 

11.   Make sure costume isn’t hazardous and the child can safely walk without tripping.

12.   When driving, slow down and take extra time to be sure that no children are in the road. You’re child may be in the back seat crying or digging into their candy, but those problems can be solved prior to driving, to ensure the safety of others as well. 

13.   Always check your child’s treats! There could be anything in there and you’ll want to be sure you know what they’re going to be eating. Anything that has been opened (even if it appears to have been an accident) should be thrown away. 

Have a fun and safe Halloween everyone, and send us your favorite candies and costumes!

3 Scary Halloween Insurance Claims

Let’s look at some of the most common tricks that are pulled on policyholders over the holiday and ways you can safeguard your car and home this Halloween.

Dog Bites on Halloween

1. My dog bit a trick-or-treater! Halloween creates heavy traffic to your home and can be downright spooky for dogs.  A scared dog is on higher alert than normal, and this could result in your furry friend taking a bite out of one of your costumed visitors.

It’s best for you, and your pet, to have them put away from the door when you know traffic will be high – such as Halloween night. They should be fine in a back room, away from the front door. If possible put some of their favorite toys and a treat back with them so they know they are not in trouble. We also recommend turning on the TV or a radio in the room your dog is in to help muffle the doorbell or noise and giggles of trick-or-treaters at the front door, which may stress them out.

Remember not to take this risk lightly. There were over 16,000 dog bite claims last year, making up more than one-third of all liability claims paid out homeowners insurance companies, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III). They totaled almost $479 million, averaging nearly $29,400 paid out per claim. Every state has different rules about dog bites, homeowners policies typically cover the liability and medical expenses related to a dog bite, unless your dog or his breed is excluded from your policy.

2. Does my homeowners policy cover TP in the trees? Toilet paper typically doesn’t damage trees, most of the time it’s just paper blowing through the branches, so a claim isn’t necessary. For the most part, toilet paper is merely an annoyance that must be cleaned up in the morning.

However, there have been instances when a tree has been damaged during an act of vandalism.  If this happens, your homeowners policies may cover this – check with your agent to be sure.  If your tree does have damage from vandalism, avoid cutting down limbs or hauling away any debris until a claims adjuster is able to come out to take a look at the damage to the tree or your home.Halloween

3. My car was egged, am I covered? Vandalism is most likely covered by your car insurance policy if you have comprehensive coverage.  Whether or not you should file a claim depends on the amount of damage versus the amount of your deductible. You may be able to remove egg with a simple car wash – though more extensive damage may occur depending on the severity of the vandalism.

In the last few years, we’ve seen claims increase for damage caused by paintballs, water balloons filled with paint or other liquids, and broken windshields with pumpkins thrown through them. If you see severe damage, dents, or your paint eaten away, then a claim may be justifiable.

Your best bet to protect your vehicle is to park your car in the garage or another well-lit, covered area. If you do not have this option, even simply buying a tarp to cover your car can detour vandals.

The good news is that most neighborhoods are prepared for Halloween, and you and your neighbors can look out for each other and the rest of your neighbors. By working together, and helping others be vigilant about safeguarding your street from pranksters, your street will be unattractive to teens ready to egg cars or toilet-paper trees.

What other tips do you have for preventing pranks during Halloween? Share them with us on our Facebook page or Twitter.

3 Scary Halloween Insurance Claims

Let’s look at some of the most common tricks that are pulled on policyholders over the holiday and ways you can safeguard your car and home this Halloween.

Dog Bites on Halloween

1. My dog bit a trick-or-treater! Halloween creates heavy traffic to your home and can be downright spooky for dogs.  A scared dog is on higher alert than normal, and this could result in your furry friend taking a bite out of one of your costumed visitors.

It’s best for you, and your pet, to have them put away from the door when you know traffic will be high – such as Halloween night. They should be fine in a back room, away from the front door. If possible put some of their favorite toys and a treat back with them so they know they are not in trouble. We also recommend turning on the TV or a radio in the room your dog is in to help muffle the doorbell or noise and giggles of trick-or-treaters at the front door, which may stress them out.

Remember not to take this risk lightly. There were over 16,000 dog bite claims last year, making up more than one-third of all liability claims paid out homeowners insurance companies, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III). They totaled almost $479 million, averaging nearly $29,400 paid out per claim. Every state has different rules about dog bites, homeowners policies typically cover the liability and medical expenses related to a dog bite, unless your dog or his breed is excluded from your policy.

2. Does my homeowners policy cover TP in the trees? Toilet paper typically doesn’t damage trees, most of the time it’s just paper blowing through the branches, so a claim isn’t necessary. For the most part, toilet paper is merely an annoyance that must be cleaned up in the morning.

However, there have been instances when a tree has been damaged during an act of vandalism.  If this happens, your homeowners policies may cover this – check with your agent to be sure.  If your tree does have damage from vandalism, avoid cutting down limbs or hauling away any debris until a claims adjuster is able to come out to take a look at the damage to the tree or your home.Halloween

3. My car was egged, am I covered? Vandalism is most likely covered by your car insurance policy if you have comprehensive coverage.  Whether or not you should file a claim depends on the amount of damage versus the amount of your deductible. You may be able to remove egg with a simple car wash – though more extensive damage may occur depending on the severity of the vandalism.

In the last few years, we’ve seen claims increase for damage caused by paintballs, water balloons filled with paint or other liquids, and broken windshields with pumpkins thrown through them. If you see severe damage, dents, or your paint eaten away, then a claim may be justifiable.

Your best bet to protect your vehicle is to park your car in the garage or another well-lit, covered area. If you do not have this option, even simply buying a tarp to cover your car can detour vandals.

The good news is that most neighborhoods are prepared for Halloween, and you and your neighbors can look out for each other and the rest of your neighbors. By working together, and helping others be vigilant about safeguarding your street from pranksters, your street will be unattractive to teens ready to egg cars or toilet-paper trees.

What other tips do you have for preventing pranks during Halloween? Share them with us on our Facebook page or Twitter.

Fall Daylight Savings Checklist

Daylight Savings TimeAn Extra Hour of Sleep… An Extra Hour to Organize 

Every year, Daylight Savings Time sparks debate and frustration. But there’s one thing we think everyone can agree on – an extra hour of sleep is always welcome! ‘The words “Fall Back” are sweet music to the ears of many sleepy people looking forward to the extra hour of sleep that comes with the fall time change. But Daylight Savings Time can also be a reminder to home and automobile owners to patch up any holes or leaks before colder weather approaches.

Now that you’ve moved your clock back one hour, here’s a quick maintenance checklist before the Michigan winter arrives. 

1. Clean your chimney 
Planning on having a fire during the cold weather? Make sure your chimney is cleaned first. A buildup of creosote, found in every chimney, can lead to a fire that you didn’t plan. 

2. Roofing Regulations 
Now is a perfect time get your roof cleared of damaged shingles and bothersome branches. 

3. Good Gutters 
Fall means leaves, which means a clogged gutter. Get your gutter cleaned and discourage unwanted pests from making their home inside. Plus, prevent roof damage that can occur due to overflowing gutters.

4. Protect against the upcoming freeze 
Wrap your faucets! 

5. Insulate on the cheap 
Insulation strips can be bought cheap at any hardware store, and are a great way to lower your heating bill. Scope out any cracks that lead outside, especially through windows or at the bottom of your front and back door, and insulate before the snow piles up. 

6. Water heater and furnace check
These are two things you absolutely do not want to fail you when you need them most, during the bitter winter. Get them checked out before it’s too late.

How do you prepare for winter weather in Michigan? Comment below with your favorite fall to-do’s. 

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Grilling Safety Tips for Summer

Safe Grilling TipsWhether it’s for the holiday weekend or just another gorgeous day in Michigan, nothing says summer like the smell of grilling wafting through the neighborhood. It’s one of our favorite parts of summer and a great way to gather the family together to savor the long, hot days. Unfortunately, when folks gather around the grill this summer, risk factors also increase.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, US Fire Departments respond to over 8,200 home fires involving some sort of outdoor grill per year. These 8,200 fires have caused 15 deaths, 120 injuries and $75 million in property damage.

But this doesn’t mean you have to throw water on the coals just yet. You can stay safe and still enjoy your delicious food by following just a few safety tips. 

  • Never grill inside. Besides the obvious fire hazard, grilling inside your trailer, tent, house, garage, or any enclosed area can result in an accumulation of carbon monoxide – possibly enough to be deadly. The safest place to set up your grill will be a well-ventilated area on a flat surface, outdoors and away from buildings and others.
  • Any utensils (forks, tongs, etc.) should have long handles and you should use flame retardant mitts to avoid burns and splatters.Grilling Safety
  • If a grease fire occurs, don’t panic, and never throw water on a grease fire! Use baking soda to control a grease fire. You should also have a fire extinguisher handy to be sure flames do not get out of control. A bucket of sand can be used as a substitute if you don’t have a working extinguisher. Remember to use the sand or baking soda first, and then you can apply water from a nearby hose if needed.
  • Never leave a grill unattended once it’s lit.
  • Don’t allow children to play near the grill when in use or immediately following its use. The grill will remain very hot to the touch for up to an hour or more once it’s been extinguished.
  • Never attempt to move a hot grill. It’s easy to stumble or drop it and serious burn yourself or someone helping you.

Whether you’re grilling for an outdoor party or just tonight’s dinner, employing safe grilling habits is the hallmark of any true pit master.

Don’t Let Your Dog Cheat You Out of Your Deposit

Man's best friend.We all love our furry friends. And while we wouldn’t dream of leaving them behind when we move, our pets can make getting a new apartment or rental much more complicated. Paying extra fees and pet rent can add up quickly. And let’s face it, there are reasons for those fees. Between hair, “accidents”, curiosity, and cooped up energy, our dogs can get into some sticky situations – and cause some major damage. How can you avoid losing your deposit without sacrificing your furry family?

Here are some easy ways to keep your fur baby from ruining your chances at getting your deposit back:

  • Protect Surfaces from Chewing
    In general, dogs avoid chewing on things that smell of citrus. If your dog is a chewer, you can try spraying surfaces with citrus scented cleaning spray or air freshener. If you need a stronger deterrent, most pet supply stores carry products designed to keep pets from chewing up your things. 
  • Regularly Remove Pet Hair from Your Carpets

    You love you dog’s silky coat! It’s warm, and adorable, and soft, and… a huge pain to remove from the carpet. Avoid paying special cleaning fees by regularly removing the hair yourself. A good way to remove pet hair from the carpet is a squeegee. You can use the same type of squeegee you use in the shower to remove pet hair effectively. Try to squeegee your carpets every other week, or more often if you have multiple pets. 
  •  Seal up Treats and Food

    The compulsion to get into your trash, or their dog food stash is a hard one to combat. The best way to fight this problem is to seal up the temptations in air tight containers. You can buy large dog food storage containers for pretty cheap. Transfer dog food from bags into the sealed containers. Removing that tempting dog food smell helps your dog resist their evil urges.

    You can also purchase trashcans that open from a foot pedal. Most versions of these trashcans include a lock, so even if you’ve got a smart pup they won’t be able to open the trashcan when you’re not home. Of course, storing trashcans and dog food in rooms with locked doors doubles up your protection. 

Prevent dog boredom

  • Prevent Boredom

    What’s the number one reason your dog destroys things? He’s bored. Try to prevent boredom by leaving toys that can keep Fido busy for hours. You can purchase toys that are indestructible and have space for snacks in them. Add peanut butter (make sure your brand is xylitol free) and freeze the toy. Your dog will spend hours trying to eat the peanut butter out of the toy. And a busy dog is a well behaved dog.

Having a pet and apartment chaos don’t have to go hand in hand. But even when man’s best friend inevitably cause a mess or get into some trouble, we still know we wouldn’t trade them for the world!

What is your favorite tip for keeping your pet in line while you’re away? Share in the comments!


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A Few Tips for the College-Bound

Back to School TipsCollege is expensive enough without the added cost of unexpected accidents or theft, and it’s stressful enough without the extra worry of whether they are covered by your insurance policy. If you have a student heading away to school, below are a few tips to help you get the most out of your coverage.


  • Personal Property:  Most homeowners policies will cover personal property for up to 10% of your total policy while your child is residing at school (a $100,000 policy equals $10,000 in coverage). Not all types of damage are covered, so read your policy carefully or call our office with questions. Some items such as jewelry or expensive electronics require special coverage. Renters insurance is strongly recommended to make sure your child and their belongings are fully protected. 
  • Liability Coverage:  General damage to a dorm room or apartment is not usually covered.
  • Documentation:  Creating an inventory of the items your child is taking to school is a good idea. Use photographs and keep receipts. You can also read our guide to creating a home inventory


  • Car Staying Home:  If you child isn’t bringing a vehicle to school but they will still drive your car while at home on school breaks, you should keep your child listed on your auto policy.
  • Car at School:  Make sure to notify us if your child will be taking a car away to school. In most cases, if the car is registered to you and listed on your policy, it will be covered.
  • Discounts:  Many insurance carriers reward good grades! A full-time student meeting certain academic requirements can qualify for a good student discount. Distant student discounts may also be available. Discounts may also be available for drivers under 21 who have completed driver’s education courses.

Before your child leaves for school, be sure to call Alliance at (616) 897-1515 or e-mail us with questions. We can walk you through the steps to ensure you have the right coverage to protect you and your child at school. We’re always here to help!

Why a Home Inventory is Important

How to Create a Home Inventory
Let’s try a little exercise: List everything you own. From memory (don’t peek!). 

Didn’t think so.


The fact is, most people own more things than they realize. It’s easy to remember the cars, the computer, the TV. But what about that holiday china in the garage?  Or every pair of shoes?

For insurance purposes, all of this “stuff” is considered personal property, whether big or small. And if your home is destroyed by fire or some other disaster, having a list of your possessions takes a lot of the stress out of filing a claim — and helps you put your life back together more quickly and easily.

Why should I complete a home inventory? What’s the best way?

Every home insurance policy has a “contents” limit listed. This is how much coverage you have for your personal property. Comparing the value of your belongings to this limit helps you make sure you have enough insurance to replace them if they are lost, stolen or destroyed as a result of a covered loss. In the past, inventories were usually just long lists of items. But these days, the easiest way to take an inventory is to simply whip out your cell phone or video camera and take a visual tour or your home and belongings. Just walk through your house, recording and describing items as you film them. Or, you can use a regular camera and create a home inventory checklist.

Here are a few tips for completing and storing your inventory: 

  • Add brand names and descriptions where you can, especially on large-ticket items. Serial numbers are helpful to note as well. 
  • Keep any receipts you have with the list to make the claims process easier. You could also keep digital copies by snapping a quick photo of receipts. 
  • Store your video or photo inventory offsite so you won’t lose it if your house is damaged. If you’re creating a digital inventory instead of physical copy, consider storing it on a cloud service so it’s not attached to any particular device that could be damaged. 
  • Update your personal property records when you purchase new furnishings and valuables. Your home inventory may be a constantly changing document, depending on how often you purchase new items and replace old ones. Make sure it never gets too out of date and is not missing any recent large purchases.

Though the task may seem daunting, it’s important to try. Even an incomplete inventory is better than nothing at all. And with technology, the process isn’t nearly as time consuming as it used to be!

How much insurance do I need?

That’s what your independent agent is here for! We can assist you in analyzing your insurance needs and help you decide how to most effectively protect your personal property. 

You should consider full-value coverage, which will pay for the replacement value of your personal belongings. A standard policy typically covers personal property only up to its actual cash value, determined by taking the replacement cost and deducting depreciation, which can be substantial. (For example, a 5-year-old TV is usually worth much less than what it would cost to purchase a new one.)

Finally, remember your homeowners policy covers valuable items such as jewelry, furs, art and antiques, only up to set dollar amounts. If the cost of replacing them exceeds these limits, you may want to purchase scheduled personal property coverage.

You can also take advantage of the home inventory feature on our mobile app

We hope you’ll never need the home inventory, but preparing for the worst can prevent a lot of hassle later! Call us at (616) 897-1515 if you would like help evaluating your coverage needs, or have questions about what your policy covers. We’re here for you!

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Staying Safe During Michigan Tornado Season

Michigan Tornado SeasonTornadoes are a way of life for families living in tornado alley, but here in Michigan, it’s easy to feel unprepared for these natural disasters since we only experience a few tornadoes per year. But remember, although they are more common in the Great Plains, a tornado can occur almost anywhere. To protect your home and family from tornadoes, educate yourself on the warning signs and when to take cover.

Learn the Warning Signs
Tornadoes strike with very little warning. Over the years, with more advanced science and technology, meteorologists are better able to predict signs that a twister is on its way. Even having just a few minutes warning can provide an opportunity to seek shelter if you’re in harm’s way. If you live in an area with a history of tornadic activity, there may be warning sirens or a digital messaging system in your community to alert residents to find proper shelter immediately.

 Other signs of tornadoes are:

  • Dark greenish skies
  • Dark, rotating, low-altitude cloud
  • Loud roar, like a train 
  • Large hail or heavy rain followed by dead calm or a fast, intense wind shift.
  • Large clouds rushing by quickly overhead or rushing together to form a funnel

Tornado Watch vs. Tornado Warning
When the National Weather Service issues a tornado watch it means conditions are favorable for tornadoes to develop. When under a watch, be alert to changes in the weather, check to be sure all family nearby is safe, and keep the TV and Radio on so you’re able to listen to reports and stay on top of changing storm information.

A tornado watch can give you valuable time to prep your home and surrounding property for a disaster. Take this time to move cars into the garage if possible; you’ll also need to keep car and house keys with you at all times. You could also move lawn furniture and equipment into a garage or shed to minimize flying debris. If you’re not able to utilize a shed or garage you could temporarily move items into the larger rooms of your home. If a tornado siren sounds, stay inside your home and take cover in an interior room away from windows. If you have a storm shelter, move your family into the storm shelter when sirens sound.

A tornado warning means a tornado has already been spotted in your area. This means danger could be imminent and you may only have seconds to take cover. Immediately move to an interior room or storm shelter with your radio. Do not leave the space you’ve taken cover in until an all clear has been issued

Although tornadoes may be less common in Michigan, stay alert during these stormy summer months and make sure you’re prepared for whatever Mother Nature throws at you!

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Prepare for Summer Storms

Preparing for Summer Storms
Summer has barely begun, and we’re already experiencing the hot, humid days that go along Michigan summers. These days often bring intense rain and thunderstorms with them. And even if they don’t happen often in your area, it only takes one big one to sweep through do some damage to your home and property. Before storm season gets into full swing, take some steps to get your home ready.

1. Check out the health of your trees. One of the biggest causes of storm damage is falling limbs. Take a look at the tops of your trees. Are they well-covered in leaves, or do some branches look bare? Then look at the roots. Is the land uneven, causing some roots to come out of the ground? These could be signs of unhealthy trees that may be more likely to fall in a storm. If you’re unsure, it may be worth calling an arborist to evaluate the health of your trees.

2. Clean the gutters. Gutters filled up with leaves, twigs and pine cones will not drain well, causing water to end up where you don’t want it, along your foundation and in your basement. Water can also back up onto your roof causing damage to sub-roofing material.

3. Check your sump pump. If your house tends to get water in the basement, make sure your sump pump is working well, and that you have some sort of back-up power source in case of an outage.

4. Have an emergency storm kit prepared. Flashlights, batteries, water, food, first aid supplies and extra medicine are essentials to have on hand.

Storms are unpredictable, and while you can do your best to be prepared, there may be times when your home sustains damage from lightning, rain, or high winds. If you ever experience a claim or have questions about your policy, call one of our licensed agents at 616-897-1515 to make sure you’re protected!

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