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Mel Trotter Ministries


One of our partners is the Mel Trotter Ministries, and we are so excited to talk about how they’ve changed the community of Grand Rapids! Mel Trotter is dedicated to demonstrating the compassion of Jesus Christ to the hungry, homeless and hurting of the greater Grand Rapids area. They’re constantly expanding as the need is never ending. Right now, Mel Trotter is focusing on two areas: rescue and restoration. They use these to help the homeless and hurting in the Grand Rapids area and bring safety to them. This encourages a positive, caring and helpful atmosphere for all of us. Mel Trotter Ministries focuses on bringing hope to the community and those in need.

Hope BoardRescue Programs and Services

They have a day center for the homeless, giving them a comforting place to go and be welcomed by friendly faces. Here, they have access to resources they need to find homes and jobs. Not only does this provide shelter but also works to give them hope of a renewed life.

They offer a public inebriate shelter and detox open for men and women who are profoundly intoxicated which provides a safe place for them to sleep and get sober while being closely observed by licensed medical personnel. From here they can make the decision to start a nonmedical detox regimen and/or other recovery programs.

Pathway Home is an emergency shelter and rehousing program through Mel Trotter Ministries in collaboration with Family Promise. This gives the families a place to stay with hearty meals, child development, ministry support and case management while they look to find a home. The goal of Pathway Home is to help the families into stable housing as quickly as possible.

Mel Trotter Ministries offers Evening Meals every night from 5:15-6pm, women, and children are in the North Dining Room and Men are in the South Dining Room. Everyone is invited to these community meals.

The emergency shelters at Mel Trotter Ministries are the only shelters to accept anyone who is experiencing homelessness. There’s a Women’s Shelter, a Men’s Shelter, and a Youth Emergency Shelter (Y.E.S). The guests at the emergency shelters receive meals, beds, clothing & shoes, toiletries, showers, referrals & resources, access to the Day Center, options to enter a Restoration Program and the love of Jesus Christ.


Women’s Shelter:    616-588-8740

Men’s Shelter:    616-588-8756

Y.E.S:     616-588-8770


Restoration Programs and Services

Mel Trotter Ministries focuses on restoration to help people gradually get back into society. These include job readiness and housing readiness. Step-Up recovery is a program designed for adults whose primary barrier is substance abuse. It offers intensive case management and spiritual support for long-term recovery. Pilgrimage is a Mel Trotter program designed for those experiencing chronic homelessness; this program helps adults who have physical and/or mental illness. They offer a variety of clinics open to Mel Trotter guests by appointment. Mel Trotter Ministries also provides After Care for anyone who has successfully completed a program and is living in stable housing.

Mel Trotter Ministries has housed over 500 men, women and children and has helped 135 people secure employment. Mel Trotter does a lot to keep our community safe and positive with the love of Jesus Christ. Not only do they lead others to Christ, but they show them the love of Him through others and how there is help and people who care. Mel Trotter wants you to know that you are never alone.

Alliance partners with Mel Trotter Ministries through Quotes for a Cause where you can sign up to receive an insurance quote and as long as we hear from you, we will donate $10/quote to Mel Trotter Ministries. We made our semiannual to give them a check for our Quotes for a Cause campaign and they were unbelievably grateful!

If you’d like to donate or volunteer you can sign up here

Or go to our website and sign up for a free quote, and we’ll donate $10 on your behalf!

What do you do to help in your community?

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